Good Friday Crossing

Joining Northern Cross for the crossing of the tidal Pilgrim’s Causeway to Holy Island

Good Friday morning, 11:30 am 29th March 2024.
For those who are interested in walking over the sands with us, this year, with a smaller number of pilgrims, just one (big) leg running, and a tidal window later than usual, a decision has been made to begin the crossing, weather permitting, at 11:30 am. The pilgrimage walkers will have set out from their overnight stop at Lowick Village hall about 3 hours earlier (If you wish to walk that earlier (mainland) section with us, please book in the usual way by using our contact form.) The starting point for the crossing is at Beal Sands, at the map location shown below.  As usual, the pilgrimage walkers will stop there for a briefing about 15 minutes before setting off on the road causeway, as far as the turning point about a hundred metres beyond the the bridge over the South Low river. At that point most will remove their walking boots, and put on something lighter and more appropriate for walking over the sands. When ready, they will then set off over the sands on the pilgrims footpath, following the line of posts that marks it.

We have prepared a briefing note for the Good Friday crossing arrangements; click here to download it [PDF]; [timing and arrangements last updated March 2024].

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‘Non-pilgrims’ are certainly welcome to walk with us crossing the sands, but you must either liaise with a Northern Cross leader (contacts in the briefing note above) or be at the Beal Sands briefing, about 11:15. (Please note that there is no longer a car park at Beal Sands. You may find it convenient to park earlier in the Lindisfarne visitors car park, and walk back across the road causeway to join us.) In walking the crossing, YOU must accept full responsibility for yourself and any dependents with you, as there are a number of risks: We have a careful risk assessment of the activity, as there are quick sands, it does take a long time. In some years the weather can make it so cold that we have to make sure some people do not get hypothermia! (those with low BMI, and children, are particularly at risk, and we recommend they do not walk with us in cold / wet / windy weather). Other years it is warm and sunny and people get sunburnt, but the key is that the mud and quick sands are an issue if children are not kept an eye on.

You must obey the directions of the Northern Cross marshalls (in fluorescent yellow jackets) if choosing to walk with us.

If you are a non-pilgrim, you must accept that you will cross the tidal causeway at your own risk and that you will not be covered by our public liability insurance.

On the good side, if it is a nice day, you should really enjoy it!

Please feel free to stay or return to Lindisfarne over the weekend and join in the Easter services in the various churches.